

Always Renew Your License To ILL.

To All Concerned:

This is to remind you that the deadline of your license to ill is fast (and constantly) approaching. The people, the true powers-that-be, are waiting with bated breath on your every move, keeping their ear stuck to every sound you make.

Time and taste are as complicated and discriminating (sometimes pretentious) as ever, and you can be drowned out, replaced and forgotten as easily as Trapper Keepers.

Please be aware that keeping your license is an honor, bestowed by the people on your uncanny talent and creative staying power. It is a question of staying the same, or constantly changing.

It is a challenge...nay, a feat...to be conquered by only the respected best (see attached example videos below).

We wish you all the luck in finding that peace upon which you will tightrope between keeping an organic signature sound, while also pushing the limits of reinvention.





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