

tune in: Rock Band 3

To all you music gaming enthusiasts that have blistered your fingers and have wasted countless hours of your time rocking out with a plastic guitar controller with no knowledge of chords at all, you now have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument.  Or at least get the feel of it.

Harmonix has now released Rock Band 3 with a 2-octave Wireless Keyboard Controller in keytar form factor.

Rock Band 3 can also be played with the Wireless Mustang Pro Guitar Controller, which mimics the actions of playing a real guitar, but instead of strings, there are corresponding fret buttons instead. 

What's more, Rock Band 3 can also be controlled with an actual guitar. The Fender Squier Stratocaster guitar controller is a fully-functioning six-string instrument that can be used both with the game and with an amplifier.  To find out exactly how this works, you can read this ARTICLE.

To find out more about what other gadgets are included with Rock Band 3, visit the links below:

Hands On With Rock Band 3's Pro Guitar and Keyboard (Keytar!)

 E3 2010: Rock Band 3 Real Guitar Impressions